

Stress urinary incontinence (SUI] is characterized by the involuntary Leakage of urine, typically upon exercise, coughing or sneezing. It is a common condition that may affect up to 25% of adult women. Prevalence of SUI increases with age, affecting up to 40% of elderly women.

SUI can have a significant impact on the quality of life for people with the condition, which can include social isolation and poor self-esteem. Many women just accept the condition as part of the aging process and rely on pads and changes to their lifestyle to manage SUI.

There are a number of treatment options for SUI. Urethral bulking is a minimally invasive option and offers an effective and safe alternative to open surgery. Studies show that quality of life improvements after urethral injection are comparable to those obtained with surgery. Another study reported patients describing their final result as markedly improved, and suggests Deflux as an ideal first line of treatment option for mild SUI.


Deflux gel is a viscous substance consisting of two components: Non-Animal Stabilized Hyaluronic Acid [NASHA) and dextranomer (Dx) microspheres.

The NASHA in Deflux has been in medical use for over two decades in more than 40 million procedures worldwide.

In the treatment of SUI, Deflux is injected into the urethra endoscopicsily to obtain a bulking effect. The NASHA acts mainly as a carrier, leaving the Dx microspheres at the implant site. Over time, the gel combines with the fibroblasts and collagen, which stabilizes the position and size of the implant.

When you choose Deflux, you can rely on safety, efficacy and durability.


  • Ability to be administered under local anaesthesia
  • Minimally invasive procedure
  • Proven to have minimal side effects
  • There is a return to normal activity within 24 - 48 hours
  • Studies demonstrate a success rate of 74%
  • Does not affect major surgery at a later stage, if required
  • Most marked improvements were in incontinence impact, physical limitations, social Limitations and personal relationship